Disappointment #1: the cafe is closed on Wednesdays, although there is no sign posted anywhere to indicate this, the door was wide open and two employees were inside. So, we ate our PB&J lunch sandwiches for breakfast.
Disappointment #2: the (closed) cafe owner assured us there was a laundromat in Luther, the next town down the road. Our clothes are in such need of a good washing. However there is no laundromat in Luther nor in the town after that, Le Roy.
Good news #1: After having lunch at Mr. Pibs in Le Roy, I called Dean, a potential Warmshowers host for tomorrow night, and he said "Yes!" we will be able to stay with him.
Disappointment #3: The campground we planned on staying at was USFS which meant pit toilets (which are almost always decent-smelling and relatively clean) and NO showers. This campground was heavily wooded, rather dark, and rampant with mosquitoes. We'd only ridden 40 miles and it was only 3 pm, so I suggested we ride another 15 miles to a private campground in Temple.
Good news #2: Dean called me back and said he felt like having steak and potatoes and we were invited to have dinner with him tomorrow night. Yippee!!
Disappointment #4: The campground in Temple was a dump. It was officially closed but the toothless caretaker said we could still camp there. It was also expensive, no showers, a pit toilet that stank and had no toilet paper. I wanted to ride another 9 miles to Lake George. It was now 5 pm.
Challenge: With 5 miles to go, it began to rain. The downpour was so heavy, I had to focus on the white line at the edge of the road and could only see about 25 feet ahead of me. We were soaked to the skin.
Good news #3: Lake George Campground was wonderful. A welcoming couple, $5 cheaper, clean, with a laundromat, hot showers, and a six-pack of cold Sam Adams in the little store. And we were able to pitch our tent in the pavilion where Dick was also able to make dinner.
Miles completed = 3189
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