Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Orford, New Hampshire

As I snapped this early morning picture, the owner of the campground drove in. Dick would end up paying the camping fee. Darn.
The climb out of Sharon on the way to South Strafford was quite steep and I had to walk two short stretches. Again, the summit was marked with a sign that made me glad I'd come the other way.

Dick caught up with me in South Strafford in front of the general store/bank/post office/everything else store. Another couple rode up from the other direction. While we are very near the end of our bicycle tour, Kevin and Linda, from Massachusetts, have just begun. They sold everything, quit their jobs, put everything they now own on their bikes and are heading toward Buffalo where they'll take the Underground RR route southward, then to Texas and perhaps New Mexico. Somewhere along the way, they hope to find the perfect place where they can settle down and begin a life that's "off the grid." What courage their life adventure will entail and we wish them every good fortune.

After climbing to Thetford Hill. it was mostly downhill

to the Connecticut River where we

crossed into New Hampshire.

This covered bridge was on River Road, partly hard-packed dirt, was devoid of cars - so nice.

See the chipmunk on top of the stone post:

Tonight we're in a wonderful campground, but more about that tomorrow when we take a rest day.

Miles completed = 4189

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