Friday, January 7, 2011

Está preparando . . . pero espera!

Getting ready . . . but wait. One of the other cruisers in the yard provided transportation for 3 of us to provision at WalMart. All this stuff, mostly food needs to be stored on the boat.
And all this stuff needs to be moved from the tienda (empty shop space) onto the boat or, hopefully, some of can be disposed of. In the lower left are two water tanks. Back left is our new dinghy - a porta boat which folds up when we're on longer passages. Of course the work bench at the back right (the former catwalk) won't go back on the boat, nor the plastic table.

But wait!! Oh no, Dick discovered 5 drips. Three of them are related to the diesel engine: the hydraulic cooling pump, two prop shaft packings. #4 - the transducer for the depth sounder.
But #5 was the worst - previously undiscovered BAD wood. Now the boat is not sea-worthy. More work is needed. This is so disappointing that saying "s---, f---, d---" is appropriate.

Uwe and Elke from Wind of Change came over for a consultation. Uwe has 35 years of sailing experience and is quite knowledgeable. They agreed, the boat must come out of the water.

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