Later in the afternoon, Katie gave me a furry halo to wear and I became "The Angel." When we sat down for dinner, Katie showed me where to sit. I wondered aloud who was going to sit next to the angel. Katie moved her plate to my right. Alec moved his plate to my left. This created a problem for Allie who wanted to sit beside the angel but had to sit between her mother and father. Vegetables were served onto everyone's plate. When the vegetables had been eaten, then the spaghetti and garlic bread were served. I thought this was a brilliant strategy for getting your kids to eat their vegetables with enthusiasm, it worked perfectly. Katie finished dinner first and left the table. Tina quickly moved Allie's plate to the open spot. Allie was quite happy. L-R: Allie, the Angel, Katie

Miles completed = 1734
Three perfect angels. Two golden halos and one of silver.