7-8 am: Dick went rowing with Bill on Fidalgo Bay. The wooden boats are called gigs, 4 rowers with one oar each plus a cox who gives directions. Dick loved it.

Here's the boat berthed in its enclosure at the marina:

Bill taught Dick how to make an alcohol-burning soda can stove - just the kind of thing a MacGyvering kind of guy likes to have in his "toolbox."

Ann gave me a haircut.

We went to Esteban's Restaurant for Spanish lunch. No English allowed, all conversation is in Spanish. This is an informal weekly event for a group of friends in Anacortes, as many as 20 people could show up.

There were also stops at a thrift store to find more warm clothes, a marine supply store for gloves, and the grocery store. Tonight Dick will cook dinner for all of us - his famous lentil and potato stew. We have had the best time staying with Bill and Ann and thank them for their generosity and kindness. Tomorrow we are on the road again.
Miles completed = 108
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