I think it was the lasagna for breakfast that did it. Today we rode 56 miles. Usually, after eating as much oatmeal as I can stand, I'm ready for breakfast #2 in just a couple of hours. But today, I was hardly ready for lunch when we stopped in Newport, our last Washington town.

We followed Old Priest River Rd, then Dufort Rd, mostly along the Pend Oreille River which drains Lake Pend Oreille, the 5th deepest lake in the USA, about 148 square miles. The US Navy does submarine training in this lake.

The old bridge is now used by pedestrians, athletes and bicyclists.

Tonight we are staying with Warmshowers hosts, Gina and Mike. It feels so good at the end of a long day to be welcomed into someone's home. Dick and I feel so accomplished when we ride 200 miles in a week, and like super athletes when we do as many miles as we did today. But wait, Gina rode 206 miles in just the last two days, and she looked like she could still go out dancing tonight. Gina, you rock!
Miles completed = 582
if you get a crazy idea to do this thing backwards....you're always welcome : ) You're truly inspiring!