Sunday, September 9, 2012


Saturday.  Using new gear, except for the tank, Dick prepares to dive. 


Look, a floating rock!
This time it was clear enough to see what was going on.  The anchor rode was wrapped around an old mooring, with a mysterious half-hitch knot.  He was able to move it a bit, only another foot or so and it would be free.

Sunday.  It rained buckets all day long.  Dick had planned to dive again, he thought he'd be able to dig out the muck and pull the anchor rode from under the mooring.  Late in the afternoon, he looked sternward, "Isn't Mokulani closer than ever before?  Is it possible ..."  He went to the bow and pulled on the anchor rode until he saw where the nylon line was connected to the chain.  Precisely the part that was under the mooring.  Yay!  We are unstuck. 
With fingers crossed and hoping no to get tangled before we up-anchor, we are now waiting for the next weather window and we're off to Kauai.


  1. Dick and Arlete-
    Thank you so much for the Hawaiian treats and the generous gift! I had a good birthday buddy to share the treats with. Safe travels to Kauai!


    1. Did Dick actually buy scuba gear ?
      Murphy says, now you have the gear, your anchor will never get stuck again.
      BUT, HOW did Dick get out of the tinnie without filling it up with water, must be more stabel than it looks.
      Well done anyway.
      Haruka did all her instructor scuba courses in Hawaii, so assume there is some great diving.
      Enjoy. Darren

  2. Jennifer, thanks so much for posting to the blog. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  3. Darren, yes we bought new gear. Dick sat on the seat of the dinghy and leaped, sort of, over the side. It rocked quite a bit but took on no water. Doubtful me watched from the deck of the boat. Dick is looking forward to diving with his son Greg whenever he visits and cleaning the bottom of the boat will now be a breeze.
