Friday, February 24, 2012

Conversation at La Superior

I stopped at La Superior to buy some corn tortillas - they make the best in town.
I left my little cart at the bottom of the steps, but walked in with a gift Dick gave me (I’m not allowed to open it until the first day we’re on passage) and set it on the counter. One of the ladies smiled and said, “Oh, gracias!” The other lady behind the counter wanted to know where her gift was and laughed. Then the man got in on the action with a “Yo tambien.” (Me too.) We were all laughing. The man told me he can speak good English. I responded, “Hables inglés! Que bueno.” He said, “Veddy good, veddy good, veddy good” VERY fast and roared with laughter. He demonstrated several times how well and how fast he can say it, but apparently that’s all the English he actually knows.
Having a good laugh with the friendly people of Guaymas just brightens up my day.

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