Sunday, February 19, 2012

Raining fireworks

You can always tell that Mardi Gras is approaching when the Wild Mouse is being erected,
 four-lane streets are reduced to two as vendors put up their tiendas and the sidewalks disappear to provide ample room for the big red metal barriers which contain the alcohol-drinking venue,
and then the night noise begins.  Several live bands play on the malecón, on stages set up at the Tres Presidentes plaza, and on the street - all at the same time, all at blasting volumes!
On Wednesday night, fireworks debris rained down on a crowd of people, so for Thursday night it was moved to here - the marina's section of the malecón, about 100 yards from the dock and our boat. 
We had the perfect view from INSIDE our boat - a beautiful display! - but there was a wind blowing from the north, and it soon felt like hail hitting our boat.  (Thanks to Jim and Teresa on Pochteca for this picture.) 
On Friday morning, there was a lot of debris on the decks, some pieces sharp enough to cut bare feet, and an unwelcome mess to clean up - especially after Dick had just spent the day brushing and cleaning.
There were no fireworks on Friday night! But the loud music seems to be lasting into morning longer and longer. This morning, it finally was quiet at 5 am. Time to move on?


  1. Dick , is the bildge pump stuck on again, ha.
    Things are really happening for you guys , looks great.
    Remember you can do a lot of things once underway, it even helps pass the time somedays.
    Other than leaving good friends , I would still make the trip and anchor at La Paz.
    You could even have a look at the Leopard 43 for sale there for me, I wish .
    I hate my boat on the dock ,It seems to get dirty and wear out things from doing nothing.
    But have no choice till I get some funds again.
    Your pics bring back great memories Arlette. Thanks

  2. In spite of our best laid plans to stay out longer in the anchorages, we too are enjoying in La Paz...getting pretty much the same experience except for the fireworks...hope that experience was one time only for you! The malecon here goes on for miles and has at least 5 stages set up...and the sound carries for miles...take care, and hope you get to really cast off the lines for some fabulous voyages very soon. Carol & Kelly
