Thursday, August 12, 2010

To Coleman

The Pere Marquette Trail starts in Farwell.

This business is 100% cop-owned and is famous throughout the world, we've heard. It's full of memorabilia. The bathroom is decorated like a jail cell. And they have the BEST cinnamon rolls in the bakery.

An opportunity to take my mug shot. Dick's crime would have been "Arson - burning up the miles."
There are a surprising number of Amish farms in Michigan. The Mennonites are also a strong prescence.
Dean was our Warmshowers host tonight. What a fantastic meal he prepared for us: steak, potatoes, mushrooms and onions, salad, homemade biscuits. We had great conversation, Dick was especially interested in his Michigan view of what's currently going on in the country. Hercules was so excited as he tried to settle down with Dean on the couch.

Miles completed = 3220

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures guys! It took me a while to check out your blog but it's fantastic! You're almost there too. Spectacular pictures and updates! Keep of the safe riding and have fun!

    -Mike, a.k.a. Fellow 2010 cross-country cyclist who ran into you at the Coleman bike shop
